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Rekenen en wiskundeHBO

Developing functional thinking from teacher education to primary school

Vollmuller, B., Veldhuis, M., Otten, M., Stuber, S., Anantharajan, M., & Keijzer, R. (2023). Developing functional thinking from teacher education to primary school: students walk along the number line. Presented at: CERME13 in Budapest, Hungary.

Understanding of, and reasoning about, descriptions of relations between quantities is an important aspect of mathematical learning and essential for anyone to function in society. Performing, guiding, and designing activities to support functional thinking is currently not part of the curriculum neither in primary education nor teacher education in the Netherlands. Activities for both primary education and teacher education are developed as part of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership FunThink. This poster shows how two preservice teachers translate activities on functional thinking from teacher education to practice. We concluded that these preservice teachers translate activities on functional thinking by mimicking most of the elements of the teacher education activity. The preservice teachers also make slight adaptations to the activity based on their own beliefs and interpretation of the activity and the perceived ability of their students.

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Rekenen en wiskundePrimair onderwijs

Het bevorderen van algebraïsch redeneren in het reken-wiskundeonderwijs op de basisschool

Otten, M. (2022). Het bevorderen van algebraïsch redeneren in het reken-wiskundeonderwijs op de basisschool. Volgens Bartjens Ontwikkeling en Onderzoek, 41(3), 40-48.

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Rekenen en wiskundeHBO

Kansen doordenken vanuit vakdidactiek rekenen-wiskunde

Keijzer, R., Keers, F., Doing, D., Otten, M., Stuber, S. &, Veldhuis, M. (2021). Kansen doordenken vanuit vakdidactiek rekenen-wiskunde. Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders, 42(4), 4-8.

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Rekenen en wiskundePrimair onderwijs

Are physical experiences with the balance model beneficial for students’ algebraic reasoning? An evaluation of two learning environments for linear equations

Otten, M., Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., Veldhuis, M., Boom, J., & Heinze, A. (2020). Are physical experiences with the balance model beneficial for students’ algebraic reasoning? An evaluation of two learning environments for linear equations. Education Sciences, 10(6), 163.

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Rekenen en wiskundePrimair onderwijs

Algebraic reasoning in primary school: A balancing act

Otten, M. (2020). Algebraic reasoning in primary school: A balancing act [doctoral dissertation]. Utrecht University

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Rekenen en wiskundePrimair onderwijs

Fifth-grade students solving linear equations supported by physical experiences

Otten, M., Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., Veldhuis, M., & Heinze, A. (2019). Fifth-grade students solving linear equations supported by physical experiences. In U. T. Jankvist, M. Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, & M. Veldhuis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 646–653). Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME.

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